We're here to help you navigate the world of Octopus Tracker Tariff prices for gas and electricity across the UK's different regions. Check out today and tomorrow's rates at a glance, and dive into historic trends below.
Did you know different regions have different Octopus Tracker rates? You can select your region below, or if you're unsure, find out more through the Energy Networks Association website.
Happy tracking!
Your postcode never gets stored on our end. It's a quick way for us to identify your region and provide the right Octopus Tracker rates.
Did you know there are different Tracker Tariffs? Click here to find out more.
Here's a guide to the words we use:
If you're wondering about the 'December 2023 v1' and 'November 2022 v1' options, here's a quick rundown.
From time to time, Octopus Energy updates their pricing calculations, resulting in different codes or tariffs for Octopus Tracker. Each product code represents a specific version of the tariff with its own unique pricing structure.
Just pick the one that matches your tariff.
Need more details? Check out the Octopus Tracker Tariff FAQs.